Module I: Recruiting and Engaging Your EBPP Team

Purpose: The first step of the EBPP process is to recruit and engage a planning team with a shared goal of completing this process together to highlight where your efforts and resources can have the biggest positive impact on your community.

Getting Started: You can pick and choose which areas you need below, look through all tools, or start with the “Forming an EBPP Planning Team” Tool under Engaging and Recruiting an EBPP Planning Team, which will guide you through this Module. The full toolkit contains the guide and all of the tools.

Engaging & Recruiting an EBPP Team
Conducting Your First Meeting
Read the Full Module 1

Guiding Principles/Best Practices:

  1. While recruiting people to sit on the EBPP team, provide an overview of expectations and a timeline for their commitment.
  2. When recruiting key stakeholders remember to consider their WIFM – “What’s in it for me?”
  3. Recruitment will probably take more than an email for most people. Make the invitation personal and call the person or ask them to briefly meet in person. This will make a much larger impact than a group email.
  4. Take time to gather and build a strong team from the start and keep recruitment ongoing.
  5. Use the connections of your core team to recruit members.
  6. During the first meeting, create space for your team to get to know one another, define your group norms, and identify your decision-making processes to align the expectations of group members.

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